Creative Expression
Creativity Coaching

In every wisdom tradition, Creation is the ordering of chaos – the bringing together of separate energies into a constructive, harmonious whole.

The creative process is one born in the soul. Even as it is nurtured and guided through training and practice, artistry is a journey inspired by an open heart.

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 As a spiritual practice, we can use Creative Expression to order what feels disordered in us, and imagine the mystery of Spirit into true and intimate relationship. For healing, the creative process helps to give language to our experience, and empowers us to transform pain into a useful truth.



Creativity Coaching, Process, Artist

For the professional artist, the path from vision to production is not a simple, straight route. It can often become bent and turned by blocks, distractions, and failures. Creativity Coaching offers a supportive, productive environment designed to spark ambition and help the artist realize their dream.


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Whether we want to school it personally or professionally, the imagination is a natural, vital force within us – ours to access and apply in conscious and purpose-driven living.


For the professional artist, the path from vision to production is not a simple, straight route. It can often become bent and turned by blocks, distractions, and failures. Creativity Coaching offers a supportive, productive environment designed to spark ambition and help the artist realize their dream.

Coaching topics may include:

  • Survival Issues
  • Resistance and Blockage
  • Existential Sadness
  • Distraction Addictions
  • Productivity, Marketing and Promoting


  • Art as Meditation and Prayer
  • Transformative Creativity
  • The Productivity and Profession of Art-Making

"We are creators at our very core. Only creating can make us happy, for in creating we tap into the deepest powers of self and universe and the Divine Self. We become co-creators, that is, we create with the other forces of society, universe, and the Godself when we commit to creativity."

– Matthew Fox, Creativity, 2002